Thursday, May 26, 2005


Long time, no entry. Perhaps she ascended.

Far as I can tell, this is not a parody. I love when a thing and a parody of a thing are so similar that it's difficult/impossible to tell the difference. Seems to happen a lot with fundamentalist Christians.


Next thing you know, they'll be saying voo-doo doesn't work, either

Isn't it easier and cheaper just to go to bed? That's the only thing that ever worked for me when I had migraines, now many years ago (praise Jesus).

If the AMA's so hip to facts and evidence all of a sudden, then why can't they extend the same courtesy to other pressing issues, like the fact that caps on noneconomic damages in medical-malpractice lawsuits will have essentially no effect on doctors' liability-insurance premiums?

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


It will only get worse

The entire month of May should be a holiday. Really. No reason civilized people should be forced to sit in offices this time of the year. I could be lolling somewheres, fer godsake. Lolling!

And, come to think of it, I'd like to have October off, as well.

Eh. Having scraped the last of my chicken burrito off the foil that almost encircled the entire thing (great work, wage slave! -- no danger of this, praise Jesus), I incline toward napping, not working. It will only get worse as the afternoon progresses. Soon, the sun will have made its way to my side of the building (or, rather, the earth will have rotated . . . ah, fuck it), and it will become 109 degrees in my office. And the entire right-hand side of my head and neck will be bright red. We palefaces are lucky that way.

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